Sunday, 26 June 2016


This was one of the songs I wanted to use in the moving image. I wasn't too sure about having sound. I had trouble deciding due to not knowing the understanding of the song, until I got a Samoan Teacher from Southern Cross Campus to help me translate.

I’m now ending my performances
I’m leaving my soul/spirit has been quenched/ satisfied
Lord be my guide on my journey
And our last thoughts are of our happiness

I have not come to seek things, I have not brought things nor am I here to ask for things
But I came so that we can (rub shoulders- colloquial) together
As our Lord had proclaimed we should be.

The end (of our programme, of our fellowship) has arrived
When we part (I will leave and you will stay behind)
Do not forget our partnership (fellowship)
Full of kingly (royal) displays of behaviour and attitude that is satisfying
May blessings fall from the sky upon our night

This song relates because when it comes to the end of an event or special occasion the Taupo always dances. The song talks about the ending of things, closing. It also talks about remembering/reminding yourself how you should act as a Samoan. 

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