Thursday 30 June 2016



So previously we had the wall at the back. We thought the TV looked good from the back but then we also thought it's away from people who walk past to look at it. We moved the photos away from the TV so that there is a break/gap between the video and the photos. If I had the photos closer to the TV then it's almost as if the TV Is in the way and blocking the photos. So we thought that would work out. I wanted to try and utilise the window space as well. It was hard because the air conditioner square box was placed right in the middle of the wall so we have to try and work around the space and utilise it really well. I think we would've been able to manage another fourth image but wasn't too sure. I'm happy with the outcome though there are certain things I would change but I think I have already mentioned it. 

Final Images 

I am quite happy with the outcome of the project. I think my editing could've been a lot better trying to make the colours warmer especially with my top image. I think that in this journey it has been amazing. I have learnt so much being on this journey and I feel so much closer to my culture. I know as a New Zealand born Samoan I have been so distant to my culture especially not knowing the culture. I have always felt "plastic" but I feel like researching about the Taualuga it makes me understand the values/traditions my family try to uphold and carry on with the next generation for example like family, trust and support. I also had fun reading about the stories and how things became about in our culture also the history and how much it has changed with a westernised influence. I appreciate being in a collaborative project as well it has taught me so much about time management, the do's and dont's and shows me how different people work.So overall our work was about how the dance shapes and display us as a culture and how it relates to what our families encourage us to uphold especially about supporting one another, being strong in whatever you do and being humble. It's been an incredible journey! 

video of how I edited

Heres a video of how I have done my edit. This cut was rough but it was just to give you and idea on how I did it and put my photos together :) 

Tools I used
- Brush tool 
- Move tool

When rubbing out the edges the trick is to use the soft brush so that the part that you erase isn't obvious. The reason why I use the soft eraser is so that the colours fade into each other and to that it looks like it's one whole wall. 

This was the outcome of the photograph 

Work from the Class


This is just a few photos taken of the class work. I really enjoyed looking at everyone's work and how well they have done their work and to complete it. Proud of the classroom :) everyone did really well. 

Contact Sheet

This is just a Contact Sheet from our last photo shoot. Just showing the development of our shooting.
How well our lighting went and how some of them didn't turn out the best. We have two images where the light didn't go off.


Part of Final

This was the final moving image. I really like the way it captured every movement slowly as her actions moved you pay deep attention to her hand actions and her arms which I thought came out alright. Next time we will most probably work on lighting.


Some feedback I received from Rebecca was when shooting on Camera Raw I should have edited my images. I notice that I like the warm colours that come through the previous photos so I played around with the photos to look at the difference.

You can see the difference in the warm colours the raw image is the right white balance but when I edit it's exactly what I wanted. It's a learning thing for me so next time I think I will look at editing before I print. I think because I was feeling so rushed I don't think I thought about it. It's a learning curb for me. 

Notes from my book



Research from my book with a few points and things I researched a few things Rebecca told us in class and just noted down.